The budget for the Frank Mohr graduation project was so severely cut, we decided to use this frame as the basis for our proposals. Ads built up from communication itself, posters that were designed by students using a specifically built design generator. And a catalogue that consisted of scanned cheap one-sided black and white a4 pages depicting process, larded with coloured photo’s of the graduation projects. And by that rather designing the context and system informing the designs, than designing the endproducts ourselves.
Project in collaboration with We love it when a plan comes together.
The budget for the Frank Mohr graduation project was so severely cut, we decided to use this frame as the basis for our proposals. Ads built up from communication itself, posters that were designed by students using a specifically built design generator. And a catalogue that consisted of scanned cheap one-sided black and white a4 pages depicting process, larded with coloured photo’s of the graduation projects. And by that rather designing the context and system informing the designs, than designing the endproducts ourselves.
Project in collaboration with We love it when a plan comes together.